Nuage - Don't Hide These Feelings by spboxer3
Mapset info
Ranked: Dec 11th, 2012
Average Rating: 3.53 / 5.00 from 38 votes
Instrumental Electronic
Average Rating: 3.53 / 5.00 from 38 votes
Instrumental Electronic
wcx19911123 Niva |
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Rating: 3.49 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Rating: 2.70 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Rating: 2.98 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Rating: 2.97 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Comments (2)
this was my old best friend's favorite map when he used to play the game (or at least i think it's one of them... he has 400+ plays on /s/45205 apparently). we've drifted apart since for years already. with (any type/feeling of) grief i keep forgetting small details of what he liked and disliked every day (or maybe i am/was just a bad friend), but every time i stumble upon this map it never fails to make me think of him. it serves like a reminder (or a punishment?), and also a testament on how it's never just circles on the screen you're clicking, even 11 years later. i'm crying like a bitch and i don't know why i'm putting all of this on an omdb comment section since nothing productive really comes out of it, but i think what i'm trying to say is that this deserves more than 9 ratings you tasteless bastards
not long enough but it got me a medal so that's funny