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Asaki - Tsubame by Dettori_old

Mapset info
Last updated: Jan 24th, 2013
Average Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 from 3 votes

Graved Mapset

EX 4.77*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.67 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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H 3.05*
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N 2.33*
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Taiko 3.70*
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Mania 4.35*
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Comments (4)
1mo ago

this is rly expressive

1mo ago

i cant even remember how i came across this map Lol super fun tho

1mo ago

then do it! just do it! don't let your dreams, be dreams...

1mo ago

as long as I've remembered, I've always wanted to make a beatmap.

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