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Wispy's comments

cool first rank

i think this song honestly deserves another map


dear you lore DLC

damn the simplicity works so well here IMO

the world of drimm actually went and did it after he said to himself "oh im gonna make so many maps after this one fellas"

i'm pretty sure that this was the map that introduced me to math rock

Ney might be right LOOOOL NOOO

regou's coolest

there need to be more maps of this song

the only ringtone size

damn its already been a hot while since this got ranked LOL

i honestly did this whole thing just to see if i could LOL thanks pishi for being a gamer

i just wanna say for the record this whole thing happened cause of yeastiest never would have got the whole thing together without ya buddy <3



??? LOL

hes so right

this song is all quirked up

/s/1889729 dont be like this guy

I can taste the salt

replay value 📉

actually hte whole map is just rrtyuipilled and i never even knew

also i just realized now that the last part is atomosphere the rrtyui juice in this is infuckinsane LOL

secret dorchadas

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