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treyarch's comments

why is it od8

pretty fun but the ending c ould be better

this map is ultra cancer

this map is fun

i read all the comments and i still do not understand

why do people say thjis map is not a map when it is litearlly a map. I am confused


spaced 220 streams but od9.3???? why

everytime i play this it just gets worse and worse, u map all these speed patterns but then put random jumpscare fast sliders in the same section and it just makes it play like absolute cancer. also the jumps in the first section just straight up suck dick

needs higher od (maybe like 9.8)

it gets even worse when the only hard part is the 1/3rd section despite it seeming like you were trying to go for a stamina map

top diff is fine other then the 1/3rds which are aids to play

pretty fun nomod but it feels like nobody playtested it hr. if thats the case please stop neglecting hr guys

wait that's literally hte only hard part of the map too lol just why

4 stars until 01:53:604 (1) -

deramok needs to pick a gimmick for his map

top diff is Not how you map tech

ancel diff is fire, just wish it was cs4 because i am a Pussy. also wish those slider-triple thingies weren't at the end of streams. atlas diff is just garbage to play and feels mistimed

fun map

im kidding. i meant like idk it looks fine its just not fun

i mean real mappers

probably a fire map for mappers but idk its not very fun

yea thats rpobably the worst part

but why is it so undermapped lol? literally for no reason? it could have been so much more enjoyable

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