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top diff so insane no one noticed the cheri diff

insane diff kept appearing on 6 digit tournaments as a nm4 even tho the silder tech is like the least hard part of the map

this map feels like it's going insane i love this

dawn chorus furry vn

+0.5 for actually mapping the guitar during the chorus's random quiet part

rly like the contrast of the extremely snappy aims vs the low ar, kidda mirrored the song's contrast of the over-cute vocal vs the harsh instrumental

me too

the down to up diff looks so freaky on osu! preview

shout out to enri's choke on this map

pretty cool map

comment so ill check out l8r

deez nut

i mean the song doesn't rly support any balls

used to think this map is ironically 5/5 but then i got attached to the song and the map is ruined 4 me


the bg are based on the seasons

@chorath isn't the 4 a.saka map's bg like that cuz it's part of a series

(not in the sexist way she slay politically)

-1 cuz i fucking hate taylor swift and swifies and it bleeds into my judgement

this was my first fav ever idk why i unfav it but the map is still cool

i don't rly get this

actually it's prob just to make her stands out while still make her fit with the background but still wth!!!

holyshit i just realized the anime girl doesn't have any static, so she's just sitting in front of a tv monitor

what;s wrong with this map

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