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Lunicia's comments

apollo diff did the song justice, top diff ok, unfortunate about the rest of the diffs but the hs + video are really cool

my pre nerf diff was a lot more epic

What do u guys think about my diff tho

map is kinda crazy ngl almost shitmyself

The artificial Russian mapper generator sure is working well

this song title is mad racist bruh

Lunicia on Vorso - Honx
1yr ago

this guy sliders

i can't believe gowww invented additive rhythm

Wow this guy sure knows how to map


I will never forgive the russians

i cant believe Amamiya Yuko invented tehc mappign

honestly this is one of the maps of all time

playing this map is like SEX! (i have never had sex

What the sex

i just nutted in my booty shorts imo

Lunicia on Chata - len
1yr ago

i have an ez ss on this map because im sexy as hell

i busted hard af


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