the song is fine, though the social media popularity and usage tainted its meaning for me a bit. give siinamota's other songs a listen, theres a handful of good ones
theres alot of expression you can do with this song but no its a forced boss map cause everything needs to be a low sv direction change constant moving hdash slider/jump i guess
come back
this song is so awesome
00:57:076 (1,2,3) - 01:08:784 (1,2,3) - love these standstills
best diffname ever
constantine was right
a random 2013 graved beatmap is the closest thing to remind me of old broccoly angles
shoutout to the strawberry with eyes on the left
the song is fine, though the social media popularity and usage tainted its meaning for me a bit. give siinamota's other songs a listen, theres a handful of good ones
r3 music box
thanks patchouli
dang i wanted to map a song with this type of emphasis in mind but he beated me to it. owell i can still try it
scaring the hoes type map
thanks revival
i hate people with anime avatars
do u think djs that say "aw yeah put ur hands up" are armpit enthusiasts
this custom was so fun in axs
okay practice map, enjoyment wise eh
theres alot of expression you can do with this song but no its a forced boss map cause everything needs to be a low sv direction change constant moving hdash slider/jump i guess
ignorance is bliss 😇
i hope nothing is the tpab of osu
the hard is 30 sec, the top diff is the full deal
how did nearly everyone mapped miiro