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olc's comments


funny how "song carry" mfs never try to make a map of another song by the same artist. so many mappers have tried to map songs like this and failed, this map just found the perfect approach for the song (which is possible with any song)

this is probably the most interesting map that doesn't fail at having filler patterns. every single pattern goes completely nuts but u never feel overwhelmed and the interesting parts still get the emphasis they deserve. from this pov this map is kinda unreal

Oh Um Oh Uh It It's Oh Well Um Mmm It's How Do I Put This Very... ... MID

who let him do this

Yokesma balls

lack of creativity is a very weird criticism of this map


@fieryrage its cuz the phrase "please stop mapping" is warranted for like 10 mappers and this is not one of them

hehe doinkus wang

wat the hell does this mean jason

olc on Keeno - EOS
1yr ago

hello comment section u guys decide if this is 4.5 or 5 for me

uberzolik do u want to omdb mutual

@jason i learned this before people dont want to learn on this website they want to hate and pvp

wyit saved comment box 4x over. anyway this map unironically rips for me this is a strong 8 and top 3 2023

too much swag for omdb

new omdbcore drop

oo wee oo i map just like shiny braixen
oh oh and you inspo skystar (old)

his last rating

1.17 from 3 friend rating love u guys

no it fucking is not

@semaphore based as fuck

Sheena Cuomo - Say It Ain't Sounan

quantumvortex rated the extra diff higher than hanzer miss you pass it on [2]

his movement emphasis has degenerated since 19ZZ so yea that one

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