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Obata Takahiro - Jaketsu no Shoujo by Kalibe

Mapset info
Ranked: Jul 3rd, 2022
Average Rating: 3.40 / 5.00 from 29 votes
Japanese Folk
Realazy Luscent

Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.41 / 5.00 from 29 votes
Ranking: #93 for 2022, #1046 overall
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Comments (14)
3mo ago


11mo ago


1yr ago

Why did he do this

1yr ago

yea so the first one is better

1yr ago

idk first chorus is red wine and second chorus is champagne

1yr ago

true however i think at that point if it feels good only on like one playstyle thats the maps fault

but god i cannot forgive these 1/1 sliders i mean liek come on 05:00:460 (1,1,1) - this is not it and i will die on this hill

besides its like if the rollercoaster had a massive loop at the start and then went at 2mph the rest of the way until the ending

to be honest none of this even matters the entire thing should just be like the first kiai but even more nuclear .the fact the first kiai exists just demolishes this all anyway

1yr ago

i do see the point but i dont think its that significant as it makes me feel more like its a rollercoaster with ups and downs and the music kinda does that too.

also idk it might be my playstyle making it more restraining to play patterns such as 04:41:940 (1,2,3,4,1), 04:45:210 (2,1,2,3,4,1,1,1), 04:49:460 (4,1,2,3,1), and 05:01:960 (1,1,1,1,1) since i have to lift my pen and tap every single thing and not dragging in a straight-ish line

could be a reason why i think this 2nd chorus has a lot more emphasis on certain movements where normally people who drag/hover/mouse wouldn't feel

1yr ago

i mean it works decently not saying its bad but compared to the first few secs the rest is so much less rhythmically diverse for zero reason it feels. 04:46:335 (1,1) - like i see what hes trying to do w this but it just feels so underwhelming hold a slowish 1/1 slider on the peak vocal esp when the movement on the first few secs was so much more intense (no reason

like yea the movement and ideas are still decent but when the first few moments of the kiai go crazy nuclear w back and forth movement, additive triples ,kicks etc but then the rest is just star jumps and 1/1 sliders feels kinda shit no

dropping intensity is fine obv at 04:38:460 i just dont see why it barely increases again at 04:42:460

idk ive played this map a few times and every time i play it i hate this last kiai more and more lol. probab ly shit explaination but whatever

(i kinda dislike how he stacks circles on slider heads for the entire kiai also

1yr ago

04:45:460 (1,2,3,4,1,1,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,1,2,3,1) - this movement is too good u guys are tripping

1yr ago

04:38:460 - everything was fire until here

1yr ago

tbh i dont mind the troll partsd but why does the intensity die here 04:38:460 and never come back LOL. ruins it completely for me

1yr ago

03:42:835 (1) - delineation between a 4.5 and a 0.5

1yr ago

Tf was he cooking that 2nd kiai

1yr ago

actually this map plays so well it deserves so much better

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