Snarky Puppy - Lingus by Wispy
Mapset info
Ranked: Oct 8th, 2023
Average Rating: 2.84 / 5.00 from 25 votes
Instrumental Jazz
Average Rating: 2.84 / 5.00 from 25 votes
Instrumental Jazz
Nao Tomori wafer |
Rating: 2.76 / 5.00 from 25 votes
Ranking: #2402 for 2023
Ranking: #2402 for 2023
marathon, variable timing, progression, flow aim |
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Comments (10)
maps is still well designed but this song is just NOT good for a map like this
everything before break is great but everything after break is really relaly bad
first 950x is a 5
this is interesting
iirc olc made this background with the intent of using it for madiba (to protect from bg copyright)
why is this just the madiba background but lame
im so proud of you, wispy
this is a beautiful map you've got , dont stop mapping !
Such a fun map, Wispy's best for sure imo
I don't like rating on OMDB but this map <3