Yousei Teikoku - Fata Morgana by Melize
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Comments (15)
i dont like the "why map a song when it already has a ranked set" argument myself but this map is garbage so idrc
were you thinking the same while mapping app's Special?
basically thats the worst thing - when the map is rly hard but you are somehow falling asleep anyway
fell asleep while playing it
this song could easily be put 1-2 rounds higher and actually be somewhat more interesting its just the mapper made it boring lol
the requirement is that it has to be custom (trash)
played the map, it is even better than i thought
definitely will prefer this version over 5* map with 2 random stupid patterns which are there to ruin the runs
or is it a requirment that a tournament map has to put you to sleep
i dont understand this why cant they use the already ranked map for the tournament
long story short it sacrifices so many interesting opportunities for it to be farmable which I personally dislike
just think it’s really boring rhythmically and the Kowari/lasse one just gaps it
tourney maps tend to have every sound of the song mapped in the hardest way possible, not just some occasional big jumps
map does nothing with the song and has overspaced choruses cuz "tourney map"
or you like oh its 7 stars not mapped by me so its bad
im really curious now whats wrong with this even mapset like why do you think its bad