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Demetori - Fuujin Shoujo by CallieCube

Mapset info
Ranked: Jun 6th, 2024
Average Rating: 2.81 / 5.00 from 45 votes
Instrumental Metal
Gordon Mattay

Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.80 / 5.00 from 45 votes
Ranking: #579 for 2024
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Comments (30)
2w ago

i can't really feel strongly about this map but i would personally tone down the antijumps or however you call them nowadays, especially when you mix them with ar9 and snappy movement

2w ago

mixed reception now this is true camp mamas

2w ago

best map of 2024 haha lmao

2w ago

at least you tried ❤️

2w ago

🤓 technically gridsnapped to tiny grid

2w ago

i rated the wrong map oh my god

2w ago

somehow i think people are afraid of homages to old-style mapping that aren't purely gridsnapped [2]

3w ago

this ncing is annoying

3w ago

honestly i had no idea this map was CallieCube's one

3w ago

fuck yea

3w ago

guitar solo made me cry my eyes out

3w ago

this one has a similar raw feeling that prioritizes attention to raw gameplay feel and manipulation of difficulty elements that don’t have some all encompassing mapwide concept to justify each placement and pattern similar to some rustbell maps and similar to how other older mappers would approach map design just due to the fact that mappers of old did not have as (apparently) advanced ideas when it came to map construction as a whole

in that sense it does successfully capture the general complexes of old towards song representation and general gameplay feel / design etc for me decisions overall feel dynamic enough to further give off this feeling instead of falling back to a more advanced(modern?lol) framework of how elements should be structured

found it cool to play even removed from the fact that the lkp map had more “immediately evident” patterning and structural ideas

3w ago

The first half of my comment did not send im going to kill mysekf

3w ago


3w ago

my comment was aimed at myself lmao

3w ago

even as a homage to old style maps it feels kinda half baked and imo the rhythm choice of the entire map feels super underwhelming and a bit random/weird in some places

3w ago

what the hell lol

3w ago

okay i understand now thanks

3w ago

i don't have an idea what makes this old-styled or not (and i don't care), i have just played the map and got the feeling it was mapped in 3 hours without any effort to make it somewhat exciting to play. there is like not a single pattern i remember and i think its crazy that it is possible to map a demetori song like this

3w ago

nostalgia is a powerful drug

3w ago

somehow i think people are afraid of homages to old-style mapping that aren't purely gridsnapped

3w ago

what does that even mean xD

3w ago

fast food of osu mapping

3w ago

also 2.5 is average

3w ago

this map is quite disappointing.... 2011 map gaps

3w ago

I thought this map was supposed to be bad 2.5 means bad

3w ago

nuh uh

3w ago

nanoya stop being a fkn hater

3w ago


3w ago


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