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Green Day - Bang Bang by Rita Summers

Mapset info
Ranked: Aug 31st, 2024
Average Rating: 2.34 / 5.00 from 150 votes
English Rock
wafer Aakki

Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.18 / 5.00 from 51 votes
Ranking: #1006 for 2024
simple, jump aim, difficulty spike
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Plasma's Expert 7.95*
mapped by Plasma
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.60 / 5.00 from 29 votes
Ranking: #959 for 2024
simple, jump aim, difficulty spike
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separate your tags with commas
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.96 / 5.00 from 27 votes
Ranking: #118 for 2024, #1916 overall
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Raijodo's Extreme 7.43*
mapped by tlqkf
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.54 / 5.00 from 24 votes
Ranking: #963 for 2024
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 0.84 / 5.00 from 9 votes
Ranking: #877 for 2024
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.40 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Hyper 4.25*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 2.87 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.41 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Basic 2.02*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.41 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Latest Ratings
on Luscent's Extreme
1w ago
on Plasma's Expert
1w ago
on Class of '09
1w ago
on Basic
1w ago
on Standard
1w ago
on Hyper
1w ago
on Another
1w ago
on Real American Patriot Extra: True!
1w ago
on Raijodo's Extreme
1w ago
on Luscent's Extreme
1w ago
on Plasma's Expert
1w ago
on Class of '09
1w ago
on Class of '09
1w ago
on Luscent's Extreme
1w ago
on Real American Patriot Extra: True!
1w ago
on Plasma's Expert
1w ago
on Class of '09
1w ago
on Raijodo's Extreme
1w ago

Featured on lists
Comments (20)
1w ago

that but like opposite

1w ago

this is still a 0 but song choice is so fucking based

1w ago

ass of '09

1w ago

luscent's diff is pretty good

2w ago

i like how the rating graph looks like a middle finger

2w ago

01:46:100 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - personally my favourite part is this .plays superr well and very fun to hit

2w ago

it's ok

2w ago

hilarious comment

2w ago

I've never looked at this map but I agree with everything frostwich says because she is my wife

2w ago


2w ago

@sstari ily

2w ago

Great minds think alike, Wyatt.

2w ago

i, too, agree with this map!

2w ago

i agree with this as a mapper but as a player its kinda mid

2w ago

you can find gameplay value out of map and enjoy it as a player but not agree with the decisions as a mapper😊😊😊not everyone rates maps the same way 😊😊😊😊

2w ago

case when mapper_name = "jonathanlfj" then 5 else 0 end as rating

2w ago


2w ago

"its fun", still rates a 0

am i missing the point of this website? lol

2w ago

fun to play thats about it

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