Dark PHOENiX - Ryokugan no Jealousy by pregnant_man
Mapset info
Ranked: Feb 17th, 2016
Average Rating: 3.98 / 5.00 from 191 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Average Rating: 3.98 / 5.00 from 191 votes
Instrumental Video Game
OzzyOzrock Okoayu Koiyuki |
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Rating: 3.99 / 5.00 from 3 votes
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Comments (93)
i used to not get it but ive matured and have rly come to appreciate how organic the patterns feel. its not trying to be precise and is happy just using simple solutions: things just arise from foundations like loose polygons and vertical/horizontal flipping, no sv changes, 1/2 filler
i have a gripe with movement 02:06:318 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - and groupings 03:59:988 (1,2,3,4,5) - sometimes but all in all super
i think the tag is about how important patterns are put in middle of playfield + symmetry usage for emphasis
04:38:383 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - etc.
but i don't really think this is tag worthy, it's just kinda normal
thanks ninore
this is playfield usage because 6.66* the devil is poisoning our youth
like any good map will use the playfield like this does idk
i mean i dont reaqlly get this tag anyway i get its for like gimmick stuff i guess but playfield usage ios like something literally every map does
i think it's because playing in a field
probably the guitar i dunno
how is this playfield usage am i missing smth
I don't really like it :/
this map is timeless, you will always have fun playing this
here is what i think about this map:
i get it now
sry i was wrong omdbians i gave this the right rating now
sryyy 😭
he want me just watch
you guys need to work on your rizz
hiiiiiii jounzan:3
what the fuck is this thread even
the madman actually did it
@frostwich clean ur keyboard
why is everyone here horny
fucking heatt i love posy [2]
anyone else in this thread smoke weed 🌿📲📲📲📲
mismagius is just a bit upset the diffname isnt Dragon with Blue Eyes
05:13:612 (1) - Can u get ur cum to fire off like this slider
@uzzi hop on lost ark let's do clown
which pattern should i post a cum tribute of
i just jelqed off to this map
i second that, pics?
i just jacked off to this map
good morning omdb
mismagius my brother in christ we get it you dont like the map wow why are you willing to argue so much over a circle videogame like close your eyes ahahah
ctfffuuuu omdb
i've experimented with men before [2]
are you implying that players have outstanding things to say at all about maps cause player descriptions don't go much past "this map is fun" or "this pattern is like a mini apartheid"
Okay 💕
You are literally my gf
U guys should put this much energy into getting a gf
As a side note I was under the impression players became more acclimated to elvis maps by now. I remember his stuff being regarded as "really awkward tournament maps" back in like 2015-2016 but now with how common this kind of aim is people seemed to be more generally accepting of this within the player-sphere
I'm just guessing tho. I didn't even rate this a 5 and I don't really know who the people ur talking about are because I don't really stalk people's ratings
Eh my two cents is just that Elvis has really good execution with very accessible ideas so he is generally beloved by people, while simultaneously being very "off-meta" (i.e his maps stand out from the crowd without alienating them)
I think it's pretty much natural that this map landed on #1 2016 because people will either think it's really good or they will think it's just OK, it's quite rare for someone to outright dislike it as you can see by the rating distribution
The people that you see say they're "nothing special" probably just mean that the map doesn't have a more stand-out (or "unique") style that makes it actually feel different from every other ranked set. Basically just the difference between "Oh I'm playing some anime opening it's pretty ok" and "Oh I'm playing an elvis map"
person A makes rating X
person B makes rating Y
rating X is inconsistent with rating Y
you are here
maybe it has 5s because people enjoy it that much? do maps need to fit someone's perception of innovative in order to justify someone else's arbitrary rating lmao
Also I'm not really sure what the relation between rating and innovativeness is here. I don't think anyone thinks this is innovative (and they probably shouldn't because this isn't even novel for an elvis map at the time it was ranked)
I just think the map is fun and exciting and conveys the music well :3
angry old man yelling at cloud
so true, if you want a real answer this map executes basic mapping in a way not many maps achieve, when ppl post a timestamp of a map and say this pattern omg, entire map feels like that almost, only downside is 1/3 stuff. Also i think ur a little confused if u think ppl that rate this as a 5 are the muh innovative map crowd
cope harder
its this map, this one right here
I did not mean to vote 0 for this oops
it's good, nothing really special to it imo
omdb top 50 reviewing journey - #3
on one hand this is just Jounzan doing his own thing as usual, but on the other hand it's done properly. it feels like there's very little or no inting at all to be seen here. but hey could you map the 1/3 please this is an extra diff
the kind of map i would pick to play in multi
there is literally not a single reason to play this map more than once
yo thunderbird i like ur pfp
every time i mention something about this map deca lynches me so ill refrain from saying more
i mean its decent. idk why its top rated though
im gonna be honest.... i rated this a 3 and oer the flood a 4
look i didn't play this map but lets jsut calm down and drink some dr pepper cream soda and think about this.
here are the facts: big black is the best map. big black mapper says the map is mid. thus the map is mid.
@mismagius you rated o'er the flood a 4.5 [2]
@mismagius you rated o'er the flood a 4.5
U can I won't tell apollo on u
can i post the same comment twice
| idgaf
I’m sorry guys
No cap rhythms left me kinda unimpressed but visuals and placement made up for it
it’s #1 cuz it’s da best map ever..
Its a nice map, but I can't see why this is number 1.
Behind you!
ermm.. he's right behind me isnt he
im fine with this being #1 overall ngl
it’s incredible how hard elvis gaps every other mapper ever
Henge I believe
i would honestly not mind more maps of this song i just love it that much
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why did dako vote 1.0 on this he should stick to catch any truers
get his ass
| idgaf
Pretty solid, looks really fun but some parts r kinda trolled to shit
Dada thats not for you
| idgaf
sjoy one is better (imho) but this is still super sick, top 5 elvis map
one of the best of this elvis era
a fine enough map but i got kinda tired of playing this since it was so frequently used as a tiebreaker
Me when elvis hits me with the 220bpm stream and i die
hadn't seen this map before seeing it here but this is great. almost feels like a map where you could turn your brain off and the intentionality of the patterns would go over your head and you would just have a great time playing osu and not thinking. i think that's a take a lot of people have for old maps (early RLC comes to mind) but this one actually works for me