Tsukasa - Heaven's Race Guitar Style by La Cataline

Mapset info
Ranked: Jul 30th, 2012
Average Rating: 4.05 / 5.00 from 63 votes
Instrumental Video Game
Average Rating: 4.05 / 5.00 from 63 votes
Instrumental Video Game
mapped by Alace, ignorethis, yeahyeahyeahhh, Natteke, Vass_Bass, La Cataline and Reiji-RJ
mapped by Alace, ignorethis, yeahyeahyeahhh, Natteke, Vass_Bass, La Cataline and Reiji-RJ
Rating: 4.01 / 5.00 from 63 votes
Ranking: #8 for 2012, #65 overall
Ranking: #8 for 2012, #65 overall
finger control, collab, marathon |
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Comments (27)
song carry
I think playing this with slider acc for the first time genuinely ruined the whole map experience cause the rhythms make a lot more sense without it (shocking)
actually this is cool
it's ok
Deadeye by 404 AimnotFound says otherwise
this is simply the best map ever
i think this map has made me realise that you really don't need insane gameplay or anything to have a very enjoyable playing experience. this will very much influence my mapping from now onwards methinks
true it's just not fun to push this map for a good score, played once and just imagining what i would go through if i retried made me press f2
A lot of it flows really nice, but most of the map is super chill with much harder sections like a minute in and toward the end like 3 minutes apart that kinda killed the flowy vibe to me, combined with a song that isn't that dynamic for a long map. I felt like it was annoying to push myself for a good score on it because of that regardless of the rate I set it to, which made me rarely ever choose to play it, but maybe I'm just bad
so true Yea so true sure
ignorethis and yyy couldn't save this unfortunately
i don't entirely understand why this is rated so highly, like it's a good map but is it really so amazingly good? in some parts the rhythm feels a bit nonsensical, as is for maps of the time but it definitely makes this map less fun to play
im biased
something about the map, storyboard, song and background (especially background) just speak to me - feels like you go on a journey and you can just feel it
insane atmosphere that almost no map can create
9 months later and I still do not see it
its good but overrated
Very good map.
weed machine get off that zaza
i believe the kids call this kinda thing a skill issue nowadays
try it with hdhr on scorev2 and tell me what you think
hes hating cuz he cant play it dt im sorry for your loss
rhythm choices are awful, structure is awful, was a pain in the ass to play for spotlights
bruh this shit is ass
this one needs to increase