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This display is currently WIP! I am planning to add a checkbox to hide less-relevant maps (ones with low amount of ratings)

Camellia - Routing
destiny's Extra 5.54* (GD)
May 15th, 2024
23 comments 3.68 / 5.00 from 16 votes
ginkiha - Shadow Castle
destiny's Opal 6.50* (GD)
Mar 20th, 2024
1 comment 3.60 / 5.00 from 5 votes
Zekk - Opal
Whale 6.42*
Oct 14th, 2023
7 comments 3.10 / 5.00 from 35 votes
fiend - Disconnect
Serenity 6.53*
Mar 17th, 2023
0 comments 3.50 / 5.00 from 1 votes
Origami Angel - Noah Fence
gore done 7.41*
Feb 28th, 2023
YurryCanon - humanly
Emptiness 8.03*
Nov 20th, 2022
Hachi - Matoryoshka
Meaningless 9.45*
May 6th, 2022
2 comments 0.81 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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