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Saki Kabata - LONELY ROLLING STAR by Mattay

Mapset info
Ranked: Aug 24th, 2024
Average Rating: 3.65 / 5.00 from 60 votes
Japanese Pop
zekk dakiwii

* 5.39*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.61 / 5.00 from 60 votes
Ranking: #18 for 2024, #518 overall
chaotic, high contrast, improvisation, jump aim, slidershapes
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Comments (31)
2w ago

watching mattay evolve from relax mod stream farm into one of the best conceptual mappers i've ever seen is just amazing

2w ago

watching mattay evolve from relax mod stream farm into one of the best conceptual mappers i've ever seen is just amazing

2w ago

it just works

2w ago

I’ve started playing Katamari and I heard it in game

I appreciate this song even more now

2w ago

yah the map is so cool im obsessed with this song

2w ago

other than the long held passive sliders that werent that visually distinct that lead me to drop sliderends that felt arbitrary to me its pretty wholesome

2w ago

this map is hilarious WTF

2w ago

Im sooooooooo druuuuunkkkkkkkkkkkk

3w ago

i love this

the song and the 'messy' mapping goes well together, rly puts the life into this map. my only critique is that snapping slider right before the last kai, which imo is a bit too harsh. but overall it's very charming

for those who liked the map/song i recommend to visit StarCastler's mapset of this same song. it's more simple but insanely charming.

3w ago

I think I’m in love with this song

3w ago

loooooolooooooooonelyyyy rollinh staaaarr

3w ago

welcome back romancer

3w ago

how about we all set aside our differencse and give it a 5

im still thinking about this map it hasnt left my head

3w ago


3w ago

the sprouting,with pure emotions and powerful sense

3w ago

i should finish katamari

3w ago

very cute

3w ago

reading the comments made me get it

3w ago

my cow just sent me this💀

3w ago

cow mapping style

3w ago

the cloud sliders kinda changed my life

ok i must be crazy then

3w ago

i do think some sillier rhythm choices in places would have completed this map but its so whimsical and it makes me smile

3w ago

probz one of the most playful maps ive ever seen. for a map so chockful of ideas it wouldve been cool to see them refined/developed a bit more but i cant complain too much... very cute map im a fan!

3w ago

Hope u had fun mapping this dude

3w ago

not falling for this one, cia

this map feels like a stylistic hybrid of app and rrtyui

that rainbow slider just changed my entire opinion on this map

3w ago


3w ago


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