"top diff" (the you'rereadyaswell... diff) feels like it's made to make my player's brain fight with my mapper's brain, this is straight up the most uncomfortable map in the ranked section that i've seen, the sluggish flow, the lack of "reading rules", the deceivingly low hp, it feels like it's made to make players, even those who can play these maps, suffer, and yet that's the exact reason why my mapper's brain like this map so much, i feel like this map achieved what ioexeption did not on spelunker: to absolutely troll the players, while still representing the song in the process
unfortunately my mapper's brain won this fight which is why i gave this a 5
sentimental skysCRAPper
xNOr xNOr xNOr
i understand why wafer is flamed so much, but
how did he even got the permission
the progression idea is really cool
i don't get it, ye it's good for 2007 but like?????????
@-penta burai is rankable as long as you don't have to move your cursor to 300 it im pretty sure
sexiest map (literally)
i love MrMcMikey22
the rhythm kidda inted
there is YES WAY that this aint above 3.5 stars on avg
so retro!!!
how tf did you interpret his comment like that
lowkey need this wafer back
guys is there a way to remove a descriptor i miss clicked
this is like the only good monstrata map [2]
i want to hate this map so much but i can't
"top diff" (the you'rereadyaswell... diff) feels like it's made to make my player's brain fight with my mapper's brain, this is straight up the most uncomfortable map in the ranked section that i've seen, the sluggish flow, the lack of "reading rules", the deceivingly low hp, it feels like it's made to make players, even those who can play these maps, suffer, and yet that's the exact reason why my mapper's brain like this map so much, i feel like this map achieved what ioexeption did not on spelunker: to absolutely troll the players, while still representing the song in the process
unfortunately my mapper's brain won this fight which is why i gave this a 5
it's insane how actually readable this map is
WOKE hollow wings tsuBIki
:3 map