maybe i didn't make it clear enough *what* i'm responding to, either - if it was just that one initial comment, it wouldn't be anything unlike what people post on this website every day. if that was the first time i was seeing this, even from this person specifically, i wouldn't really care. but between everyone, it literally might be the hundredth. at a certain point you have stopped criticizing and started using a living, breathing person as a symbol of everything you hate. leave wafer alone
absolutely not and i would not have commented if that was the case. its just tiring to pretend people dont disproportionately rag on my friend over and over. he doesnt even touch this game anymore man whats the problem
look i get what ur saying but its important to remember that someone giving a map a low rating does NOT necessarily mean any of the following:
- they hate the map with a burning passion
- they don't think the map should exist
- they don't understand or respect the purpose of the map existing
while not denying that other valid perspectives exist, people on this website will always most commonly be rating from the average "mapper perspective". and while i agree that that perspective presents such a unanimous view on these types of maps that rating them so much is kinda pointless, people will always rate them a lot because they're just the easiest ratings to give! that's how rating websites naturally work
furthermore, i don't believe most people mean to send hate or aggression through a low rating - it's just that that's what might come across when seeing it with no other context. it's a gap in communication. solving *that* is a much bigger conversation, though
yeah absolutely. like for example, i mainly don't love that the hitsounds are audibly off time with the drums, but obviously that's because the vocal performance drifts from the beat in the first place. the alternative options are:
- only hitsound like 0-10% of the drums (not a good option)
- map primarily to the drums rather than the vocals (a *very* flawed option in this particular case)
this made me look at your ranked mapsets section on your profile and the range of songs is terrifying
gonna be crazy when Touhou Turnpike drops
what the fuck is this (complimentary)
the guitar harmonics ouuuufhgh 02:23:998 (1,1,1,1) -
now this is some jpop a white girl can get down to
im so biased but fuck this ones good
maybe i didn't make it clear enough *what* i'm responding to, either - if it was just that one initial comment, it wouldn't be anything unlike what people post on this website every day. if that was the first time i was seeing this, even from this person specifically, i wouldn't really care. but between everyone, it literally might be the hundredth. at a certain point you have stopped criticizing and started using a living, breathing person as a symbol of everything you hate. leave wafer alone
absolutely not and i would not have commented if that was the case. its just tiring to pretend people dont disproportionately rag on my friend over and over. he doesnt even touch this game anymore man whats the problem
the month is november 2024 and still nothing hits like scapegoating wafer apparently
Boxart Wongline: FOREVER is a beautiful name for a baby boy or alternatively an anime
also apollo this has to be a fucking sign LOL that song has been on my songs to map list for like a year
1) it's largely in 4/4 yeah but i think it occasionally switches to 7/8 for one measure
2) you're not crazy that's a good comparison
kinda awesome by the way that the song is in 9/8 and the album art says 3/4. why did they do that. What was the point
5 billion dollars to the next person who finds and maps a song like this
the jamesjan and joshywaboo nominator duo is golden. no one's topping that
oh wait no i guess i must have downloaded it myself but still it was like day 1 map
this shit is like the 2nd map my game downloaded ever and it still goes nasty
damn penta said fuck this diff in particular
that's heartwarming af i hope you have a good day
now we're talking
look i get what ur saying but its important to remember that someone giving a map a low rating does NOT necessarily mean any of the following:
- they hate the map with a burning passion
- they don't think the map should exist
- they don't understand or respect the purpose of the map existing
while not denying that other valid perspectives exist, people on this website will always most commonly be rating from the average "mapper perspective". and while i agree that that perspective presents such a unanimous view on these types of maps that rating them so much is kinda pointless, people will always rate them a lot because they're just the easiest ratings to give! that's how rating websites naturally work
furthermore, i don't believe most people mean to send hate or aggression through a low rating - it's just that that's what might come across when seeing it with no other context. it's a gap in communication. solving *that* is a much bigger conversation, though
yeah absolutely. like for example, i mainly don't love that the hitsounds are audibly off time with the drums, but obviously that's because the vocal performance drifts from the beat in the first place. the alternative options are:
- only hitsound like 0-10% of the drums (not a good option)
- map primarily to the drums rather than the vocals (a *very* flawed option in this particular case)
truly it's just like what can you do
now where's the fun in that
sorry i don't mean to be rude i just have never experienced such a feeling from a map before, can you elaborate?