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espii's comments

this map would be fine if it didnt spit in my face and call me slurs :/

the song doesnt hit the same when i dont look at the map thats crazy

this song in particular is meh tho tears of tragedy have better songs trust

gothic metal is my guilty pleasure soz

i dont think a map has ever given me this much cognitive dissonance

ive been playing guitar for 9 years and had played piano for 2 when i was like 8 yrs old am i cool

im not gonna sit here and pretend like ik wtf is going on behind the scenes, i just enjoyed playing it and im rly happy that there are ppl focusing on abstract interpretations rather than purely representational

I think i am still a bit novelty-blinded but its not like i know of any other maps mapped this way in order to compare it to

(p.s play this on lazer the streams are so seggs to hit)

it was an enjoyable experience

im probably song biased but i think this is my favourite map ever

i am not quitting osu until i fc the funny part on [tag4]

drowns out the voices

i unironically enjoy songs like this

espii on Reol - Saisaki
9mo ago

this song bangs tf yall talking about

this is peak shred material

i fw the cowbell ngl

so happy to see him in ranked i knew he had crazy potential

i cried

cant rate it tho cus im omega-turbo-hyper-mindblocked

this map is hot

i love it

espii on Theocracy - I AM
11mo ago

do NOT look at TheAlphaSheep's twitter likes

espii on Theocracy - I AM
11mo ago

nahhhhhhh of course one of the 5 star ratings is by an actual pedophile

you may not like it but this is what peak osu gameplay feels like

fatfen kolek is so cool i wish squares were real


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