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garvanturr's comments

deetz nuts ,,,

I donth think we should be this comfortable on this website

Good morning guys

mostly cus it was one of the only higher bpm maps I could play

pretty goated

Improv chaotic avantgarde I'd get the rest is just really zz

the tags put on this r like twitter user went neurodivergent mode in their bio

its ok

What deca said it's defo engaging I just have too much to nitpick

🥺 rly fun

the fucking avant garde tag



chiv jumpscare

pp mapper

kotori kinda carried the whole set



Any rats

Deleting DM history is actually hilarious

fucked up

xarr and panda diff r basically the same tbh

rrtyui and bonzi vs 999999kg probox [1]

why did Marr get restricted

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