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DragonForce - Burning Heart by Maaadbot

Mapset info
Ranked: Jun 6th, 2024
Average Rating: 0.96 / 5.00 from 77 votes
English Metal
Bloxi Basensorex

Rating Distribution
Rating: 1.03 / 5.00 from 77 votes
Ranking: #733 for 2024
spaced streams
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on A Million Stars
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Comments (83)
4d ago

v It'd still be 0.5 for me though

4d ago

Guys personally i think we should be rating maps by how Funny they are and not quality

2w ago


2w ago


even beyond spacing just being cranked to max 90% of the time, i think its just lack of discernible patterns all the way though, kinda just worming my cursor the whole time

2w ago

is it not? this just reminded me of astral empire but an unnecessary amount of active 1/4

2w ago

this is not farmable its just skillcap for like 3 players

2w ago

@sstari i mean from what i've read so far they're saying this is not farmable

2w ago

so much hatred in everyone's hearts </3

2w ago

guys just let the top players have some Fucking 9 Star Maps to farm

2w ago


2w ago


2w ago

sotarks being a part of a nat psyop would b crazy funny how do u guys not see the vision

2w ago

>implying sd_mango is an nat psyop designed to reduce tension in the playerbase
mate have u read the members list

2w ago

i choose to believe the mango is a psyop

2w ago

this is Tom MacDonald & Adam Calhoun The Brave of osu

2w ago

buddy i wish sd_mango was a nat psyop then maybe i could get paid fat stacks for doing so many projects for 0

2w ago

really wanted to be that guy and look at this map and say "hey its not actually that bad" but i can't

2w ago

let em cook

2w ago

what is bro saying

2w ago

finally someone is brave enough to tell the truth about big mango

2w ago

>implying sd_mango is not an nat psyop designed to reduce tension in the playerbase
ok bro surely

2w ago

i agree with you trito but my problem also stems from maaadbots behavior. i don’t use this site seriously and i could care less about the map. it’s just funny that he acts like he’s morally above everyone when he pumps out stuff like this

2w ago

This map is underrated

2w ago

BNs can form groups regardless of NAT approval so ur just yapping for 0

2w ago

not amazing but overhated easily

2w ago

if you think sd_mango is doing gods work remember that sd_mango probably wouldnt exist without nat approval, the same nat that thinks sotarks pika girl should be unranked. goodbye for now

2w ago


2w ago

just hitting 0 for the dopamine hit atp

3w ago

hardfocusing on difficulty rather than playability or even the minimum visual aesthetic in a DragonForce stream map just turn this into the norm already

3w ago

agree with trito but then again that's my stance on 90% of maps that get dogpiled on this website so

3w ago

i was really hoping to be able to agree with trito, unfortunately that is not the case, this map is something else

3w ago

3w ago

the map really isnt that bad as you guys make it out to be what the fuck are you on about

sure its not peak quality lol but its not a 0/5 by any fucking metric what so ever

3w ago

sd_mango 2 for 2

3w ago

truly worth the ego

3w ago

I do believe that Burning Heart is a Beatmap that exists within the rhythm game osu!

3w ago

🥭This map was brought to you by sd_mango 🥭

3w ago

i like the combo colors

3w ago

A Zero Stars

3w ago

going against

3w ago

there is at least one slur in this map

3w ago

a million slurs

3w ago

fuck this jimmy guy

I think some of you are being too mean in the comments.. critism is good but just saying it sucks and nothing else is unnecessary. I would like for this site to have decent rep in the community and this doesnt help.

I underatand that this represents a larger movement in mapping, and shitting on that is fine if you dont like it, but a single map made by one guy is different to that.

3w ago

a million slurs

3w ago

there's genuinely a couple cool patterns but Why must it be difficultymaxxed

3w ago

He totally is

3w ago

What about yours. Are you a waffle

his username rings true I suppose

3w ago

lmao my comment is on the beatmap page

3w ago

this map got THE milr 2.5 😭💀

3w ago

i get it

3w ago

🥭This map was brought to you by sd_mango 🥭

3w ago

“flow like asscheeks” is a fire descriptor ngl

3w ago

🥭This map was brought to you by sd_mango 🥭

3w ago

sometimes you get unlucky

3w ago

01:31:043 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 01:48:110 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 02:25:443 (1,2,3,4,5) - like it literally takes 1 playthrough on relax to realize these all either flow like asscheeks or have inconsistent spacing that doesn't make sense

3w ago

"although i'm not sure how much playtesting went into this"

doubt there was any considering this was ranked within 30 days of its creation and there are a lot of insanely stupid patterns that would have been instantly noticed by playtesters otherwise

3w ago

breathtaking rly

3w ago


3w ago

sarcastic omdb shoutout in description a day after rank is always a great sign

3w ago


3w ago

karcher set is fire especially because it has a full spread

3w ago

plz add cancer descriptor

3w ago

although i'm not sure how much playtesting went into this

i don't think this is completely irredeemable or anything.. but maybe take some notes from uhh idk karcher my heart will go on?

3w ago

i think this kindda cooks

3w ago

Coping with making a horrid map by shouting the site out in description nice self awareness friend ghahahahha

3w ago

this map is like a 3 days old mc donalds hamburger you left in the fridge to eat later.

3w ago

when milr gives u a 2.5 thats how u know

3w ago

hahahaha bananas are better anyway

3w ago

i remember when i genuinely liked dragonforce songs and something like demetori equally (2018 maybe), but slowly got pushed away from dragonforce cuz map quality in general for this band is absolutely abysmal for some reason and these awful maps completely ruined the music for me aswell

3w ago

it must suck to be a dragonforce fan playing osu ngl

3w ago

this literally plays like shit how is this for the players LMFAO

3w ago

wait this is a slider map i hate slider maps and slider mappers

3w ago

keep ranking bangers sd_mango

3w ago

a million slurs

3w ago


3w ago

ahuahihj hahahaah this is sos fucking bad its unreal

3w ago

not rly a fan of overmapped stream maps

3w ago

this looks awkward as fuck no way someone gets nm pp record on this

3w ago

im totally fine with making extremely difficult maps and this one is also like whatever at least but make a normal difficulty too why is that even such a problem

3w ago

poor dragonforce fans

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