Tommy heavenly6 - Pray by Kifo
Mapset info
Last updated: Oct 12th, 2022
Average Rating: 3.11 / 5.00 from 19 votes
Japanese Rock
Graved Mapset
Average Rating: 3.11 / 5.00 from 19 votes
Japanese Rock
Graved Mapset
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Comments (16)
ok frostwich (i love you kifo)
please don't yell at me i'm shy
everyone is frostwich these days
U are never beating the insane allegations
Ok frostwich
i hate this song and i hate all yall
sorry for giving my thoughts on something !!
03:50:142 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - also i dont really like how little playfield this takes up is this Real issue or am i just stupid. 03:53:008 (1,2,3,4) - it does give more power 2 this but idfk it feels like nooooooothinggggg
dont think i wanna see ur mental image of this
5 yrs late for u to join aniem buddy ur ngmi
i said with a posed look
idk this map like completely goes against my mental image of this song i never found it enjoyable which is why i wanted to map this sonf full ver but umm
this map is insane the movement in the kiais with the non kiai parts of the song opting for a more freeform but linear feel... the contrast.... the patterning in sections like 03:31:435 - completely flipping established conventions in grouping but still keeping to the freeform feel of the map.... so many well executed methods of contrasting objects in the map that go beyond just visual distinction........ and improvisaiotion....... How do i type like someone that uses this site
one of his most mid maps 👎
really fun but the streams are impossible to combo
i am kifos biggest fan