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Ken Carson - Fighting My Demons by sytho

Mapset info
Ranked: Sep 16th, 2024
Average Rating: 0.97 / 5.00 from 35 votes
English Hip Hop
maxie moonpoint

Rating Distribution
Rating: 1.09 / 5.00 from 29 votes
Ranking: #1026 for 2024
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Rating Distribution
Rating: 0.99 / 5.00 from 4 votes
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Stompy's Normal 1.96*
mapped by Stompy_
Rating Distribution
Rating: 0.00 / 5.00 from 2 votes
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Comments (13)
19h ago

frankly just low quality

2d ago

streams at the end actually got me

2d ago

sorry it was supposed to be a joke im just bad at it

2d ago

haha deleted the comment

2d ago

lmao nvm

2d ago

bro what

2d ago

why is it that we always talk about our fellow mappers' work in this way when we don't like it?

2d ago

this take can't be that bad

2d ago

the fact it turns into a stream map at the end is really funny

2d ago

too far man i dont like the map either but let him live

2d ago

this guy has to be a psychopath or something its incredible how uninspired his maps are

2d ago

i dont think i could ever think of mapping this song like this so im pretty sure its a 5

2d ago

this has got to be the most revolting disgusting assortment of patterns i have ever seen

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