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Yooh - Ice Angel by ktgster

Mapset info
Ranked: May 14th, 2015
Average Rating: 3.51 / 5.00 from 129 votes
Instrumental Electronic

Saint 5.95*
Rating Distribution
Rating: 3.48 / 5.00 from 129 votes
Ranking: #64 for 2015, #607 overall
simple, streams, stamina, marathon
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Comments (26)
2mo ago

i wish i could

2mo ago

"aged bad" are you smoking meth

5mo ago

this map aged bad imo

5mo ago

the song carries it more

5mo ago


5mo ago


5mo ago

rho you literally rated this a 1 I hate u

5mo ago

i lvoe stream training

5mo ago

why is she a stream map hater

5mo ago

Plural is too much it's just me hating

5mo ago

haters tripping

5mo ago

spice angle

5mo ago

How am i supposed to play a map while falling asleep

5mo ago

u have might have aids if you dont find this okay to play

5mo ago

Bit boring but well mapped

5mo ago

plays bad obviously, duh

5mo ago

was wrong with it

5mo ago

Maybe one of the worst stream maps I've ever played

1yr ago

the classic to end all classics

1yr ago

hot take this map is good but its not 3.8 good TBH

1yr ago

Pretty good

1yr ago

for how repetitive this song is i dont think there could be a better representation of it

1yr ago

why would someone's score on the map bump up your rating of the map @Tony 2

1yr ago

ktgster needs an ego check

1yr ago

aricin's score makes this map an instant 5
yeah but this map is awesome and i think #1 in 2015 in my opinion

1yr ago

very nostalgic map that imo still holds up today. will always remember thinking this was the hardest shit ever as a 6 digit in 2016

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