Unlike Pluto - Everything Black (feat. Mike Taylor) by CoolGuyRift
Mapset info
Submitted: Mar 23rd, 2017
Average Rating: 0.44 / 5.00 from 127 votes
English Electronic
Loved Mapset
Average Rating: 0.44 / 5.00 from 127 votes
English Electronic
Loved Mapset
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Comments (30)
Can't believe someone mapped a truly 2007 spirited beatmap at 2017 lol. Lovely rhythms, just the diffs weren't properly patterned to technically work as a map. If patterns were more visually structured under distance snapping, this would've been fire.
Word of advice: If you dont like the map then dont rate it at all 💞 Negativity is never okay and if you dont like this map then simply rate another 🥰
this stinks
Yeah im sick of just saying this is bad and calling it a day. this was my favorite map. it is perfect.
slaughtered my firstborn
The interesting thing about this map is that I found a lot of newer players really enjoy playing it. I think despite it being bad, the mid size jumps, low amount of sliders, no patterns that require alternating, and low bpm just hit the kind of map new players (with low expectation for their acc) want to play. I think the mapper, with his super limited game experience, just made a map he himself would enjoy
bait used to be believable
nice bait
this is like rendezvous
I remember loving this map when I played it in a multi as a 7 digit, ah well
bless this map
i am scared that all praises/hypes
I just looked at this in the editor...
this feels like a complete spit in the face (or a bird just took a shit on my face while trying to rank a map.)
Click those cirles.
This is a beatmap.
guys you clearly just don't get it
wait wtf this somehow makes the save that sh*t beatmap look just as good as this one lol
although yes kona chan beatmap is MUCH WORSE! ;w;
thanks for reminding me AJT
looking for friends hmu at https://www.stellarfriend.com/
so called 'good mappers' wish they could make a map like this
the greatest
Dogma map. IMO 30 second farm maps are bad but, c'mon, worse than this? Idk man
ok correctly is a stretch but its better than konachan
nah i think konachan is worse cuz that map is at least timed correctly
the lowest quality map is probably Yiruma - River Flows in You [Paul John's Remix] (tsububu)
is this the lowest quality map that u can vote on on this site? honestly im not too familiar with 2007-2008 but looking at the charts koi no maiahi is probably better and konachan is probably worse
i mean this is what the loved section is for, as long as there's people enjoying the map then i have no problem with it Existing in loved