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ninore's comments

does any1 have this issue my osu just doesnt run well at all im getting shitframes whenever i have firefox open and if i close its like playable but still bad

oh i thought this wasnt going to get ranked

idf brainwashing project

ave mujica watch party in jan 2

god so stiff whyyy

yay onii chan peace peace

i like my sebas drippy bruh

cool map

sorry for giving my thoughts on something !!

i said with a posed look

idk this map like completely goes against my mental image of this song i never found it enjoyable which is why i wanted to map this sonf full ver but umm

this could've been a 5/5

this cover is so cute

hi lumi

so good

cool song

oh wait i forgot they had slider acc on by default in lazer this map is gonna b impossible once stable is phased out lmfao\

honestly the rhythms despite being snap hell are really well telegraphed through the patterning and even on the few parts that r questionable to read it's masked by slider leniency so i never rly struggled too much on hitting them
seeing "messy" on descriptors tab was rly funny tho

hes right

still feels like the only 5/5 map in the game to me

i personally think no matter how painful pregnancy is for humans it’s still the ultimate gift and should always be cherished like you’re quite literally birthing new intelligent life unto this world it’s so incredible when you think about it so i think we should do our best to support women

just had this great idea to push the overton window until we could get the most optimized lowest effort possible accepted in the shortest amount of time im sure this wont noticably change both player and mapper expectations for the worse in the foreseeable future

oh i forgot this kibb diff existed cuz of his ranked map

watch mygo

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