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Ney's comments

I agree!

Thank you for your valuable opinion among us pfp


Jesus Jesus Japanesus

this map will be responsible for making speed farming entirely uncool and lame within a year 👍

minions did this better


[email protected]

amazingly heaven

so sad that the traffic cone titties got removed

it's #5 because 45 people rated it a 3.78 average, hope this helps

Ok i reconsidered now what

this is so me

amazing mcdonald

most rym map of all time


Ney on Wire - Brazil
1yr ago

what did you mean by this


this should've been the cross time of 2007


i like when the map is a map and it does map things

welcome to the 21st century


why has nobody mapped this in 13984579834 years

0 just for the description alone

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