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Dada's comments

idk how a map can "look" fun to play

it's a shame because i dont often hate them that much but like "why?" you know

i ask myself that question a lot when looking at some of the lecandy remaps @quaternary

me when im bored by elvis mapping so i go to one of the maps that defined the whole structure of it to say its boring elvis mapping

holy shit i fucking hate you wafer *rates 5 stars*

you ranked this on 9/11 this is large

Dada on Chata - Labyrinth
1yr ago

@uberzolik remember when u used to create beatmaps for the game osu! on the standard mode

kind of a high effort funny shitpost

i like the concept but it's not really a map it's more like a visualization

this is literally a "you wouldn't get it"

thats a hot take but yea idk ppl nowadays either feel hardstuck forever or instantly become almost a carbon copy of their mentor

rhythm idk theres a bit of similarity if u play both back to back this is just a general sentiment i have with sets like this tho

also riven both cheated in the hall of shame and also deleted their account so i guess im a hater

not saying the isomir one is the peak of mapping but its really sad imo to be on the vanguard of mapping a song and having a pretty decent map of it and then getting someone else with more "farm clout" adapting a lot of your ideas to make their harder, more valuable map which ends up having a worse song interpretation

i can mention the things i think are worse (oversimplification, parts being jacked up in difficulty unnaturally, structure being really basic and limited) but its fine to have a different opinion on the matter im just stating mine

it just is

just like yomi yori by the same mapper is also just strictly worse than like any of the ones that existed beforehand

i miss when this had the source field as touhou

ppl are underselling the insanity of the slider expert its hilarious honestly

insane and normal get buffs for the good bgs

I sadly have to agree



no pac-man, drugs are bad!

yeah, can't help you mate.

me you bitches, im high on crack

wanna freebase?

Hey pac man, what's up

This is just a straight up port iirc from Ouendan 1

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