Culprate & Au5 - Impulse by hehe

Rating: 3.77 / 5.00 from 185 votes
Ranking: #6 for 2017, #101 overall
Ranking: #6 for 2017, #101 overall
slider tech, slidershapes, high contrast, marathon, high sv, featured artist |
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Why did olc downvote high contrast as a descriptor this map is like THE high contrast map
can't believe I never rated this. the first half feels so good to play that it squashes any qualms I might have about the rest of the map
L opinion cuz this is still the best map ever created
back half amazing. front half equally as trash to play
as an idea compilation: sure... as an actual map im not sure i would get it
This is it
dako was right
my affection for this map decays super fast as time goes by, but at least i've enjoyed it once
hi I can’t sleep so I’m doomscrolling this god forsaken website
hi hobbes :3
This song is really good
i think that the tittle nename is a little inappropriate but good map
this map has a table of contents in the beginning [8]
if ever had to name the best map without any personal preference id name this map in a heartbeat
glad i voted for enn
people soyjack this map SO HARD but it's just underwhelming in gameplay, also the buzzslider cheese gimmick kinda hard flopped imho
still a fine map but just disappointing knowing how hyped it was and how many people bought into that hype
this map has a table of contents in the beginning [7]
the song is so stylistically cohesive and the map is not, my biggest gripe. could be a lot better if he just committed to a more unified idea
most important map of 2017
this map has a table of contents in the beginning [6]
this map has a table of contents in the beginning [5]
this map has a table of contents in the beginning [4]
this map has a table of contents in the beginning [3]
this map has a table of contents in the beginning
visionary is above the law he is the one who judges, he is the one who watches, he is the one.
lots of cool stuff, pipe sliders, 1/4 patterns, e.t.c., but the gameplay spikes really kill it on the execution side, and it seems to fail at coming together cohesively as a whole on the visual side. good map with flaws
it’s not fun to play it u don’t have the skill for it
i hate playing this map but it’s a good map loll
"doesnt play very well" -#145,503
boring until the last minute of the map (also the first minute is dogshit)
doesnt play very well imma be honest
1 star for each of the maps in this song