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Luminiscental's comments

youre on the mapper website [2]

this is such a perfect encapsulation of something that I'm almost impressed

God's hand placed 01:28:784 (8) what can I say

would love to see a replay of the moment when it ended up like that

can't believe the movement only differs by elements in the image of the boundary operator

truly a map which was meant to be looked at in the editor not played

wait this user got banned I never knew

not sure how I feel about the map, but would definitely like to see more maps with rhythm like this

there's a pishifat video u could watch

also, non-distance snapped spacing

it may not do one thing, but it does another more important thing instead so I forgive it

I am not afraid of failing in an osu beatmap

singing with ur classmates in choir in primary school is like this


surely there's some decent group of people that are completely unimpressed by this map

why is this even rated so high it's just like good

not a map for logicians

there's a great map in here somewhere

this map is insane nostalgia for me

still like it, tho the spacing could be managed better in places

sadly gapped by the loved map, better luck next time

wait no one told me pocket actually makes good maps i thought u were all just glazing

this is so 2018

also lol being an osu player selects for being a piano player point and laugh

agree with scub

imo the asymmetry between generating free rhythm (playing music) and following / matching rhythm (playing a rhythm game) fundamentally changes the experiential character of rubato-like rhythms; one side feels free, having breathing space, the other neurotic, tensely anticipating each note. de-emphasizing accuracy judgement (e.g. OD 0 here) reduces the disconnect, but to limited effect, and sacrificing a big part of the rhythm game experience

someone clever could probably use this contrast in an intentional manner (horror music or something) but I've never seen it done

aside from that general flaw, imo a bigger issue with this particular map is things like 00:44:012 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7); rhythm is all well and good but when the intentions behind placement are so clearly out-of-touch with the way people actually play this game it becomes almost a moot point

that is really funny

01:57:637 (5) - this rhythm makes me sad

Hitori ja nandemo dekinai kuse ni

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