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payney's comments

I agree.

not sure i understand 0 bombing this (even if i'm not into it) but we need a new, more specific word to describe maps like this, "simple" is way too broad to ever make this statement (see: simple descriptor)

this ones an all timer

some chill

i get it

>implying sd_mango is an nat psyop designed to reduce tension in the playerbase
mate have u read the members list

i was really hoping to be able to agree with trito, unfortunately that is not the case, this map is something else

so what exactly is the line when it comes to meme songs like this? i didnt personally expect a song which no one liked to begin with, to be covered purposefully shittily, and end up with a generally positive reception

🎧 this turbobanger

what a beautiful

god forbid women do anything


kevincelas [19]

Pokieeeeeeeee 😭


hard diff is looking like a hard diff

its actually impressive in a way

this song is so good

how is he so peak


vell [4]

fire emoji

idk if this is a weird bone to pick with this map or not, generally i like what this map is doing, but specifically 01:16:271 - and 04:48:998 - i feel weird abt coexisting. both of these individually are really neat but tackling the 2 most intense sections with 2 extremes on both ends of representation just feels a bit odd

spring memory i love you…

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