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a cat's comments

hes not ewrotng

how much money did the producers of the show pay sotarks to map this


chinese metal


boooooo *throws egg and tomato*


i get it

are they confirmed 2 b th sanme person extremely funny notheless is cray cray

if this song isnt actuaklly about bpd then im ok with this being a punching bag 4 people honestly,.

is this sonf about bpd i didjt think it was

y did i forget about this map until now

i stated giggling likke a dumbass when the phone verse came

mapping is back

i get the vision now

+1 for top play

a cat on Drop - Granat
6mo ago


the drama from this map is perma rent free in my head n it never fails to make me unhappy

a cat on Drop - Granat
6mo ago

i think the execution sucks

thanks sd mango

transgender street legend

sotarks being a part of a nat psyop would b crazy funny how do u guys not see the vision

i choose to believe the mango is a psyop

ill play them tomorrow im lazy

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